Tuesday, September 16, 2014

March Madness

Yes, this happened. The first Saturday in March, it happened. I had my girls and Addisyn and was being a good mommy/aunt and taking them to the play park and I couldn't even get out of my neighborhood before someone backed into the passenger side of my car!!! Thankfully, all the girls were secure in car seats and seat belts and everyone was fine. Everyone except for my Ford Explorer. My car. The car I'd had for 10 years, going on 11!!! The car I picked out myself, I loved it so much. The car that we came home from Atlanta in back in 2003. We went on trips, we moved across the state, we journeyed back to visit family, we moved back to Tallahassee and we brought all three children home from the hospital in my Ford Explorer. I loved that car and I hated that car but it was paid off and I kept on driving it because it kept working. The car I wanted to get rid of several times but when I finally had to get rid of it, I couldn't bear to. I laughed at Kylia when she got rid of her old car because she cried. Who would cry over a car? I am now eating my words.
I remember the day that I drove my rental car to gather my things from my explorer for the last time and I was crying before I could get into the lot. It was a cold day. My car was in the back of the lot, the poor fella brought me tissues. I couldn't park the rental too close to my darling b/c I didn't want it to see me driving another car. I was all by myself and I had to clean my car out all alone. So I cried, more than I should have. I took pictures of the inside. Pictures of the mileage, of the cracks in the back that I never got a recall notice for and still wonder why not. I took pictures of the junk that my kids left in the car, there was a lot. I took pictures of the blue Ford emblem on the steering wheel, the paint had come off because I put a sticker there of Ryan's and when I took it off, some of the paint came off too. I didn't feel too bad about it at the time but I do now. I gathered up everything I could and cried as I said goodbye to my darling. I still miss that car. I'm sorry I laughed at you Kylia, for crying over your car. I'll never do that to anyone again.


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