Sunday, November 4, 2012

Prepared not scared

March-April 2012
Joe and I have been trying for a while to get Ryan to sleep in her own bed. Yes, I will admit that we are those parents that let their children sleep in their beds from a very young age, birth to be exact. We needed sleep and that's how we got it. Then Brittyn came along and we eventually had four people in one bed. Again, it was a matter of getting sleep. So this spring we bought a bed to put in their room and started trying to get them to sleep in it, starting with Ryan only. The first night was tough but we eventually made it. I got a few shots of different nights and mornings, so these aren't all the same. She learned that she could feel safer with friends sleeping with her so she loaded all the reinforcement she could find in the bed with her and made it through the night. Now Brittyn is sleeping in there as well and we don't always get a full week of them sleeping in their room but we are working on it. One day we'll get there, I'm sure of it.


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