Saturday, November 3, 2012

Our tiny dancer...

(May 2012)

I just realized that all my blog titles reference "I" or "Me" or "My," but this blog is supposed to be from OUR family's point of view. From now on, I'm gonna try and speak from OUR (myself and Joe's) point of view, even though I have always and will probably continue to be the only author for OUR blog.

So, let me get back to what I was actually going to post about. I'm still writing from this year and I'm still on Ryan's dance class and dance recital. She loved her costume and once we got it and tried it on, she wanted to wear it every day. I couldn't let her but wen the day finally came, she was so excited. We put it on for the dress rehearsal and waited backstage for our turn to dance. She and her cousin Amelia were so excited along with their classmates. I was able to get a few pictures before she went on stage. It just, and still does make my heart melt to see how fast she is growing and how she is no longer my "baby," especially since as of today when I write this I have TWO other babies in addition to Ryan. I am so blessed with all my babies and they are all growing up way too fast. I guess I've just gotta enjoy them while I can because its going by way too fast.

The next day was the big recital, the show was great and our tiny dancer was nothing less than incredible. She was so brave and we loved having her extended family there to support her on her big day.


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