Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ok Kylia...

I think this is the video you are talking about. It was taken a few weeks ago and AGAIN involves the purple jelly toy that Ryan is so afraid of. You can see that she did reach out to touch it but quickly backs away. Yeah, thats me taunting her with the jelly toy and yeah, y'all can all think I am a bad mommy but I can't be that horrible. She is smiling in the video after all.


Kiera said...

It's the Purple People Eater...yikes!!!

KYLIA said...

That's not it...but that's a good one too! The one I was talking about was where she was sitting on the counter leaning up against Duncan and she lifted her leg out to the side everytime that little thing got near her! She's gonna get us one day for torturing her like this!

Meris said...

I can't find that one, must've deleted plenty of other fun, random videos anyway...Aren't the videos so much more fun than pictures?!?!!