Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Get up and dance!!!

Ryan is getting so big and is doing so many cool things now, we are one week and one day away from her first birthday and I say "I can' wait!!!" but what I really mean is "please slow down baby girl and stop growing, I can't take you getting bigger and older!!!" That said, she still is doing some really cool things like last week she was caught dancing to the music and having a blast. I was watching a DVR show that I had recorded and there was a musical guest on the show. Ryan promptly walked to the TV and started shaking what her momma gave her and danced to the music!!! She did stop to watch me taping her a couple times but overall she just enjoyed the music and enjoyed dancing. I can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve next!


KYLIA said...

Baby got moves! Love how she mixes in a wave in her dance moves...that could be the next dance sensation!

Jaren said...

Too cute! It would have been better if you had taped her dancing to FloRida's "Low" when I was on the treadmill and dancing with her! That was funny!!

Kiera said...

She and Cannon need to compare moves....they got skills! :-)