Summer is here, well it was once school got out and that means the kids are free to swim anytime they can get close to water...except for Huntington, he has to stay locked in his pack and play. Don't worry, he makes it out eventually. I'm starting to think of a personal note for my family...since people say "spring has sprung" I may start saying "summer is saturating" for all the pool, beach trips I tried to make this summer and for all the sweat I endured hauling my precious cargo from place to place. We went to parties, activities, gym classes, cheer classes, the beach and water parks and more all while the hottest months of the year just kept getting hotter. But we had a great time and I wouldn't change it for a second. More pics are coming but we have to start somewhere, right?
I can't believe Ryan is growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday that I was going into labor and holding her tiny self in my arms for the first time. Now (well, back in May) she's already completed her first year of school and is graduating!!! We were able to place her in a great VPK program in Tallahassee, in Bradfordville at a small church sponsored program called Beginning Steps Ministry at Bradfordville Baptist Church. My coworker recommended it to me and so we toured it and signed her up. She was so excited and we couldn't have been happier. She loved her teacher, Mrs. Debra Albanese and was so happy to finally be going to school. She learned so much and never had a bad day, unless she had to miss school for some reason. I'm so glad she got to enjoy school and I'm so glad I was able to take her the first day with her dad and little sister Brittyn, before Huntington made his arrival. It was a special day and a special year for her as she made new friends and learned new things. Her graduation was simple, she did get to dress in cap and gown and sing songs with her class that they had learned throughout the year. I'll always be grateful for BSM and Ryan's time there. I hope she'll remember all the great things that BSM helped her do, I know I will.
Unless that means I have to be tied to you at the which point I want to chart my own course and drag you along kicking and screaming. I think this was a cord for a sleeping bag that the girls and I thought would be cute to let them get in together. Turns out, not so much. Now they at least have a little bit of an idea of how it feels to be co-dependent on someone else to get something done, even if they don't know what it means. Maybe one day they'll see this blog post and after forgiving me for locking them up together and then taping the ordeal, they'll be able to come together and solve problems. You never know, you could be looking at the next innovators for solving world peace or cold fusion or the next three legged sack race champions!!! A mom can dream...
I just love Ryan. She is totally my loveable, selfie picture taking, smartie pants girl and I wouldn't have her any other way. She drew me a map one evening and told me it was for me to find my way home to her at night. And she is constantly coloring and drawing me pictures for me to hang up in my office at work. I could not ask for a cooler girl to call my own except for my Ryan. She's just the greatest.
So, we all know that Florida only has two seasons...summer and mildly less sweltering than summer. As soon as the sweltering get too unbearable (think April-ish) my kids wanna get in some water. The closest places is grandma's pool and they waste no time suiting up and jumping in. The girls love it and are getting so good at swimming, Ryan doesn't even need a life jacket anymore, though by the looks of it, you couldn't tell. Brittyn is getting better too, she's gone from staying on the steps at the start of summer/swimming season to jumping in head first. Poor Bubby is just not old enough yet to be out there but next summer I'm sure he will be!!!
I'm not really good at giving good Mother's Day gifts. I never know what to get my mother in-law, I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. But Jaren and I came together and helped make our mothers in-law a gift from the grandchildren. We met up at my house and painted each of the children's feet one at a time and made butterflies with their feet. We think they turned out good, I hope the grandma's were happy with them and I know the kids sure loved playing in the paint!!!
I feel like I constantly recycle my blog seems I have used this title more than once but I'm in no mood to research and confirm or deny this and to change it if necessary...anyway, spring was in full swing during the pictures on here and even though you'll see Bubby in some pics, it's really all about the girls because Bubby is too small to put up enough of a fight against two, three or four girls at once!!! we girls and a couple of boys did some nature trail walking/scooter-ing/cozy coupe riding as well as getting mani/pedi treating and not to be left out, we did some Cake Shop wasn't all in one day but that's what great about cousin sleepovers with Amelia and meeting up with Bellamy and Jaren at the Cake Shop...we get to do a lot of fun, yummy stuff a lot of times!!!