Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Times are tough...

so much so in fact that I had to post the same pictures two different times. Thanks Kylia for pointing that fact out to me :). And to Kiera, so I misspelled a word or two, it isn't my fault that the spell check didn't catch it! So, this week I set out to catch Ryan doing new things so I could post some new pictures. What do ya know but she loves to play on the computer! She types letters and memos and even plays on the internet. Now y'all don't tell her daddy about how she bangs on the computer and isn't really typing, I don't think he reads the blog enough to know that I let her do it. That's also why I can write on here that I give her icing and cool whip and ice cream and sugar cookies when he isn't home :). I am totally kidding on all that (except the cool whip) but it's fun to tease a little bit. She was also caught dusting and helping cook, but I didn't want to break too many child labor laws.


Jaren said...

She is getting soo big! I have plenty of stuff she can work on at my house...so send her this way! Can't wait to see the pics of her in my sunglasses...those are gonna be way too cute!!

Kiera said...

I love that smile....we should contact Dell to offer her up as a model in their advertisements!!!!

Thanks for posting new pics of the oh-so-adorable Miss Ryan!

KYLIA said...

Way to go working girl! She'll be bringing home the bacon before she's even potty trained!!!