It's gonna be a long, hot summer. There's a country song on the radio with that title and for me, that fella didn't know how true that would be for me this year (and every year really but who's counting?) After Easter, one might think they are winding down at the end of the school year and getting ready for a relaxing summer, but even on the most relaxing of summer days, it takes a lot of work. I went with Ryan on the last field trip of her kindergarten year to Wakulla Springs. I haven't been there in a long time, but thankfully, not much has changed. We didn't get to ride the glass bottom boats, I never got to do that, I was mildly sad that Ryan and other kids won't get to do that either. But, we had a good time, playing on play grounds, looking out at the native animals to the springs, telling the kids to stay seated and don't try to touch the water and then we saw Old Joe's replacement. The largest alligator since Old Joe swam at the springs. We had lunch and then had a class picture in front of Old Joe before we left. We also saw a turtle mama laying her eggs in the parking lot. We definitely got our National Geographic for that day!

Then, when school gets out, the kids automatically get bored, restless, you name it. One Friday night, Joe came home from traveling for work and he was tired. Well, the kids are NEVER tired and it was too late to take them outside and they were too loud to keep inside while I tried to make dinner b/c Joe wanted to sleep so I did the next best thing, took them to Pizza Hut and let them use a booth as their own mini war zone and enjoy some pizza. Thankfully, Pizza Hut obliged me (they let us stay) and the kids enjoyed pizza and we went thru a drive thru and got yogurt afterwards. Maybe summer won't be so long and hot after all.

Summer seems to get costlier every year too. I swear, one stop ends up being three different stops. Brittyn was taking a dance class and I had some time before it started so I tried to run an errand and to make up for the kids getting stuck at the "it's not fun if I can't make a mess" watch battery store, I took them to get cupcakes. Ryan had a coupon for a cupcake from school and I had one from the paper so got them all cupcakes. Maybe this long hot summer can have some sweet moments along the way.
