Sunday, April 6, 2014

Huntington's First Birthday!

By the time my children have turned one, it's not too far after that that I become pregnant with another sweet blessing. Such a situation has not been the case since my Huntington Brooks turned one LAST AUGUST 31, 2013. He's now 19 months old and it looks like he's gonna be my baby, my caboose, my end of the line, my "they broke the mold" baby. He's moving and shaking and talking and eating and playing nonstop, like crazy! I cannot express how much I love this little man, because even the girls remind me that he's no longer a baby.

His birthday party was a great day for our family. I know he won't remember it because of being so young and also because he slept through a lot of it. I know because the minute I was gonna start the party, I looked over and he was asleep in his grandpa's arms. Note to self: don't let kids chill with grandparents on party day.

So, we welcomed everyone, had a blessing and started eating. We decorated the house in a barnyard and "Charlotte's Web" theme because he loved that movie as a baby. We would watch it every night before he went to bed, he got to where he would even ask for it, saying "Char" and I knew what He wanted. He'd take his bottle and lay in my arms and be asleep in no time. The girls would lay on the floor and also fall asleep to the movie, the I got to the point that I would know the kids were asleep by the time the movie got to 1:13:00 left. I know because it happened every night.

Ok, wiping my tears away, let me get back to the party! We used red bandanas and greenery and lots of "nature" inspired decor. We had Rice Krispie treats for "hay stacks" "spuds" for potato chips and Oreo cookies for "wagon wheels." We ate pulled pork sandwiches (sorry Wilbur) and had a great time. The girls "helped" him smash his cake and open his presents. Not that he really needed the help but... He was wide awake by the time the party was over so he and his cousins stood by the "watering hole" and played in the ice and drank Capri sun. That ended our day because I dropped the kids off at Kylia's later and I couldn't have been gone more than 10 minutes before she sent me a picture of my Bubby passed out on her floor. It was a great day, I know he won't remember it but Im thankful for everyone who came and helped make it a great day for Huntington!


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