Monday, January 28, 2013

Halloween 2012

Halloween seems to get more and more complicated the more kids I have. It might not be that way if I wasn't trying to get the children to match or at least coordinate their costumes. Maybe it would be easier if I only carved one pumpkin or if I only took them to one pumpkin patch or Halloween party, but, they're only young once and I just tell myself I will eventually get the rest I want and so we go on. This year for Halloween the girls were butterflies, pink and purple respectively and Huntington was a caterpillar. See the coordination, eh?! Anyway, we had lots of fun going to pumpkin carving parties and trunk or treat and walking through Southwood and trick or treating there. The girls had a blast, Bellamy joined them and so did the Nettles kids and grandma's daughter Lauren. Huntington didn't go, he stayed gone with Kylia and Brian because it was chilly on Halloween night. I'm so glad the girls had a good time, even now if we ride any further into Southwood, Brittyn asks if we are going trick or treating. Again, so glad they had a good time!!!


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