Sunday, October 7, 2012

Playtime at the park...

(June 2012)
I don't know what I was thinking taking my girls to the park after work in the middle of a hot, southern summer while I am 30+ weeks pregnant...I guess I'm just crazy, crazy in love with my girls and know I won't have the time or the energy to do that for a while once the new baby comes. So, one hot day in June, I took them to the "blue park" aka Tom Brown Park and let them play for a while. They immediately run for the swings and we spend a good 20 minutes there. Then I attempt to sway them towards slides or bridges or something else for another 20 minutes or so. I don't know why I do that, it's so much more convenient to push them in swings where I can see them, they are close to me and I don't have to chase them. But, we all need the exercise and they need to burn some energy so maybe they will sleep at night. Either way, we get the chance to spend time together and make memories that I hope they will rennet and cherish when they get older. We always end up having lots of fun and don't want to leave but alas, real life calls and we must answer. It's back to planning and prepping for dinner, baths and eventually bedtime. There'll be time for play parks another day.


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