Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dancing queen...

I think I may have used this title before on another post. If I have, please accept my apologies for my lack of imagination when it comes to titles for my blog posts. So, Ryan took a dance/movement class this past year and she danced in a recital back in May. For her to have only been 3 at the time, the recital was great!!! Her dance class had learned a routine and worked really hard at it, as hard as 3 year old giggly girls can. She was so excited to perform her dance. They had a dress rehearsal the day before so I tried to tape her in her routine. She did so good up on that stage with her classmate and especially her cousin Amelia. I didn't get too much of Amelia, I was too busy trying not to tear up watching my baby grow up right in front of my eyes. The next day at the recital wasn't much better, I actually did cry then. But, so did my Ryan. I guess all the applause was too much for her and she was just overwhelmed. But the dance was precious and the children did great. I captured the dress rehearsal and wanted post it to the blog, and yes, I know I'm still behind on my blogging.

YouTube Video


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