Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its always Christmas at our house...

So, I know its February, I mean MARCH and all but I have a lot of videos and pics on my computer and they've gotta come computer is old and I can't have it running any slower than it already is!!! So, let's start in Christmas, Ryan loved to decorate the tree and I didn't really want to let her get near it. But, she's gotta learn and I really couldn't stop her. I let her decorate a portion of the tree with some un-breakable ornaments and thankfully she stuck to just one section. She wanted to tell me how great she was doing and wanted me to watch her and record her. She even would say "Merry Christmas" a time or two. She would say it a lot, actually but I didn't get a lot of it on the video. Maybe next year!!!

1 comment:

Jaren said...

she is such a good "helper"!!