Saturday, March 26, 2011

Duncan's Song...

Ryan is so funny, taking in every piece of learning she can. She has even been asking lately to go to school. Every time we see a school bus, she yells for me to go "catch it." Joe even says they count the school buses on the way to grandmas's every morning. Makes me wish I could take them sometimes in the mornings but there aren't many school buses running at 6:45 that I see.
Now Ryan is in the mindset of copying everything that people say, she sings songs and dances with her favorite shows on t.v. A few weeks ago she stayed with Terah for a while and when I got back, she and Addy were singing their own song. They call it "Duncan's Song" and this is the final product. While there is some cueing and "singing" on my part, it is truly Ryan's song and shows just how much she loves her Duncan.

1 comment:

Jaren said...

Love the facial expressions and the way she says "chair"...too cute!!