Thursday, October 16, 2008

Weekend Update...

She is so focused, she's crossing her eyes!
"I know nothing, move along" "I'm not listening to you" She will say that sooner than I realize!
We are working on finding a "lovey" toy for her. This isn't it.

Thank you Jaren for reminding me its only Thursday night and not the weekend, but I'm watching SNL Weekend Update Thursday, so there!! Ryan is making lots of progress and everyday is way cooler than the day before. This week she finding her fingers and we think she might even be teething. She is drooling like crazy and eating her fingers and pulling on her ears, thank goodness she doesn't have an earache b/c we've been to the doctor already for that. She did get sick this week and is just now getting over that but is taking it all very nicely. I always thought her voice is cute,and it may be bad to say this but she sounds even cuter when she is sick! She is having a photo shoot this weekend with Dee, can't wait to see how that turns out!!!


Jaren said...

Sitting right here when Meris posted so I decided to leave a letter in return! Love picture #2...that is a classic "Meris" face!! She is too cute...getting soo big!! Can't wait to see how the "Glamour Shots" turn out!

LESLIE said...

I love the one of her sleeping with her hand on her face. We took Kyers to the doctor this week infection in her eye, the start of an ear infection, and sores in her mouth. She wasn't fussy, but her eye was was weird. I hate when they're sick!! She's so cute Meris!! I'm so glad you blog!

KYLIA said...

You are so right Jaren...she's definitely got Meris' facial expressions! I hope she's got a little more in her head than Meris has...just kidding! She better wear her happy face tomorrow!!

Kiera said...

Better post some great shots of the photo shoot....I'm sure she'll be gorgeous!!!