Friday, October 24, 2008

Point and Shoot...

Ever since Ryan had her photo shoot with Dee this past weekend, all I have been wanting to do is take tons of pictures and pretend I had talent as a photographer. Maybe thats what I'll be for Halloween...don't anyone even think of stealing my costume!!!!! Anyway, I took some pictures of Addisyn June Shuler and upon posting them, realized that I did NOT have talent as a photographer, but I am still using that for my costume.

This week I realized that Ryan needs clothes for fall, I can't believe it is getting chilly so soon, this is FLORIDA for goodness sakes! So, I did some shopping in the "baby shower boutique" and while I haven't captured all her wardrobe changes, I did get my most favorite outfit and get her dressed up. Ryan now has workout gear!!! All we are missing is a sweatband for her head! Y'all be on the lookout, she'll be steering that jogging stroller before we know it!!!


KYLIA said...

Look out Denise Austin! She is tooooo cute! You'll need to get her some Nike high tops...then she'll REALLY be stylin'!

Kiera said...

I first thought of the song "I'm a little tea pot....tip me over and pour me out" when I saw the first pic and before I read the caption!!! Nothing "short and stout" about Ryan!!!