Saturday, August 9, 2014

A whole lotta...

Continuing in the chronology of my beloved iPhone and all the pictures therein, I bring my blog to January 2014. I was finished putting away all the Christmas decor and I was trying to do what all good holiday decorators do and already have out my Cupid and hearts out for Valentine's Day. Obviously, I didn't make it too far, mostly because I don't have a lot of decorations. And, by the look of Brittyn in these pictures, the decorations may or may not have even made it to their destination anyway. That's ok with me, I love her silliness and imagination in whatever hat or door wreath she wants to wear for the day. Now my Bubby, Huntington, is growing to be a total food snob, for lack of a better word. By January 2014, he was running, "talking" and demanding yogurt and powdered donuts at most all meals and in between. He's loves them and he's not shy to get his hands dirty to show you how much. I am not a fan of the messes he makes but I do love me some Huntington.

Also in January, I got a grown up treat! I got to have a full night of good, clean adult fun! Kylia scored us two tickets, FREE TICKETS to see Brad Paisley!!! We had a great time, Brad Paisley was amazing and so were the other performers. Can't wait to go to another show!

January wouldn't be complete without an update on my RyBugs. She completed her 100th day of school sometime in January, I probably should have remembered the exact date but I didn't. Anyhow, her class was given the assignment to make a shirt with 100 of something on it. She decided on a rainbow and I used Hawaiian leis to make a rainbow from. I made a small shirt for Britt as well but sadly, didn't get a picture of her. I hope she forgives me one day. I also made Ryan a "100" treat bag to give to her classmates. She loved helping me assemble the goodies. I know she had a great 100th day of school and I'm so proud of my kindergarten girl!

January also gave us some chilly weather. I never actually saw any snow, I'm sure some folks did but I wasn't in a position to take off work and drive around looking for droplets of snow all day long. But I did see where mine and other folk's cars had some ice on it, more than the usual spot of the windshield. Those were some cold days! But, it sure didn't stop my girls from wearing short sleeve shirts and getting ice cream comes with Kylia and BB! They were tough enough to brave the elements for their ice cream!!!

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