Last week we also wet to the pumpkin patch...we had a good time and the girls were decked out in their couture candy corn dresses...thankfully, I had Kylia to help me corral the children so that I could get some pictures. We got a few good pics, hope to get more next time.
After the party, we all went to the Evans family reunion. It was sparsely attended so I'm glad we went. The highlight of the day was getting all the kids together for a pic, girls anyway.
Joe says this is her "Meris" look...I don't what he's talking about...
After the party, it was time to release the balloons!!! Everyone was glad to do it, except for Brittyn. She was not happy, as we heard someone mention. Otherwise we had a good time!!! *MSL*
This video was shot at Addisyn's birthday. I could have shortened it but then I wouldn't have Ryan throwing a fit over a nonexistent bug...where's the fun in that? *MSL*
Happy birthday Addisyn!!! Last week we all got together and celebrated Addy's 3rd birthday with a pumpkin themed party. I always say Addisyn has such a good birth date, I love October and all things Halloween and dressing up!!! Not for myself but for my kids, of course. Anyway, Addy had a great birthday party. We made candy necklaces, played outside and enjoyed cake and ice cream and opened presents. It was a great day and I'm glad we could be a part of it!!!
Ok, so my kids are only mentioned as "children" and not by name but they made the front page of the Havana Herald newspaper!!! I'm hoping this link will take you to the article.
Ryan and Brittyn helped Emma Willis celebrate her 3rd birthday earlier this month. The party was a Purplicious theme and the invites asked everyone to wear purple to make the festivities more, well, festive!!! I dressed each girl in a purple shirt and hairbow and we were off to the celebration!!! Kylia came along and we all had a great time. Emma's party was purple perfection!!! I wish I would have thought to take pics of the cake, the food and decorations but Kylia and I were too busy making sure the girls didn't take a swim in the swimming pool that had been colored PURPLE!!! It was a great day and the girls had a good time. Always happy to celebrate with good friends.
When Ryan was born, one of her first words was "dada" and it was a true word because she could point to Joe when she used it. I was so excited when she finally said "mama" to me. Now, it's Brittyn's turn and I'm happy to report that she can say "mama"!!! It is such a cool thing to hear my baby girl call for me and use my "name". This video is also really cute too because it shows how much she is learning while she attempts to feed herself. We start out really cute using the spoon and then she decides that just grabbing into the bowl works much better. She is so proud of herself and is happy to let me sit back and watch her go, face and hands stained with sauce to document her accomplishments!!! I have to say, I'm pretty proud of her too!!! *MSL*
Ryan loves to go see Papa in Blountstown. There was one time that he made one of his "papa" noises and she has talked about how much she loved it ever since then. Every time we go visit him, we talk all the way over about how Papa says "meow" and Ryan just thinks it is so funny!!! We visited him a couple weeks ago and decided to try and get this exchange on video. It is the funniest, sweetest thing I've ever seen. Ryan still talks about how funny Papa is and she loves to go see him even more now. I love that I was able to get this on video because Papa and Ryan are such a pair!!!
At our house, when Ryan is away, Brittyn will play!!! Britt loves her Ryan, and misses her so much when she spends the night away from home. Ryan stayed with Terah and Duncan tonight so while she was away, Britt and I decided to have a little fun, RY STYLE!!! I let Brittyn wear Ryan's night time panties (pull-ups). I let her use Ryan's bubble bath in the tub tonight and I even let her wear Ryan's pajamas!!! She had a blast and all the RY STYLE wore her out!!! We miss you Ryan, we can't wait for you to come home!!!