Friday, April 26, 2013

Some spring in our step

We have the nicest neighbor who loves across from us, his name is Matt Santoro. He is outside most every morning and says hello to the girls and brings them silly treats every now and again. The girls love him, he's a good neighbor to have. He is very festive and can be seen decorating his door and porch area for all the holidays. He recently brought the girls some Easter magnets that we could stick on our from door so I took the kids outside and we did just that! The girls counted all the pieces, grouped them into Easter categories of bunnies, flowers, eggs and carrots and them we stuck, unstuck and stuck them again. What should have taken us no more than 10 minutes actually took us about 45 because the girls were having a blast and rearranging the magnets the whole time. All through Easter, they couldn't leave or come in the house without touching at least one (or five) of the magnets every time we left the house or came back home!!! They loved it so much and we appreciate Mr. Matt for his kindness.

Friday, April 5, 2013

My Bubby

My little buddy Bubby is just the sweetest little boy I know. He's growing and surprising me everyday with something else that he's learned, I'm just over the moon for him. He is making our family that much more crazy and that much more complete every day. And, he's not bad to look at all day either. 😊


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Silly princesses

Ryan loves to play dress up and "help"/make Brittyn play with her.they are both in love the the new series "Sophia the First" on the Disney Jr. channel. Ryan is obviously in desperate need of a crown so to compensate for not having one, she uses the panel from her kitchen toys and asks me to tie it around her head to make a crown. Brittyn, on the other hand, isn't fooled by this silliness and knows its only a towel. But they have a good time anyway!!!

YouTube Video

And p.s....Ryan IS wearing shorts under that dress...I promise!!!

Sing, sing a song...

This is a video of another song that Ryan learned at her school. She loves to sing and loves to tape herself singing so she can go back and watch it over and over and over get it.

YouTube Video


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Teeny Teeny Valentine

Ryan learned a song a school close to Valentine's Day and sang it all the time. She vows to sing it and I loved to hear it! She was such a precious "Teeny Teeny Valentine!!!"


Valentines from TX...

A few days after Valentine's Day, the kids got a package from Chickie, Terah and Duncan all the way from Texas!!! They were so excited to open their package, Ryan is especially fond of getting packages, she looks for them every day when we get home. Thankfully on this day, she was not disappointed!!!

YouTube Video


Sweet sleeping babies...

This post really isn't for a specific purpose except to say that I love to watchtower babies sleep. I don't necessarily like to have them sleeping in MY bed, but they are only young once so I'll shut up about that and just enjoy them while they are small.
