Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why crawl...

when you can cruise? To Ryan, the answer is simple, its either doing the "soldier shuffle" across the floor to get to her desired destination or she can cruise across the floor, holding onto the wall, the couch, the turkey bench or whatever else. Obviously she still shuffles a little bit here and there but she spends most of her time working on getting up and getting to move!!! She is very proud of herself and loves to hear our praise once she makes it to her final destination. However, this is a two step process. I will demonstrate first by showing you how she first gets up and moves but gets a little frustrated. But, she perks right up when she realizes she is being filmed. Her attitude changes quickly and completely. It is taking too long to upload two videos to one blog so I will stop here. Stay tuned for the next post of Ms. "Cruise". Good night!


Jaren said...

She is such the drama queen! Just kidding!! Too usual!! I bet she sure misses her Aunt Jaren, doesn't she?! We had tons of fun the past couple of days, didn't Ms. Ry-bugs!?

Meris said...

She has had fun with her Aunt Jaren, she always does! Keep the visits coming so we will have more videos to make/post!

Kiera said...

Way too cute....reminds me of another niece of mine who knows how to spot and then perform for the camera...what drama queens!!!