Monday, April 13, 2009

Stand up for Easter!!!

This easter, I made Ryan her very first easter basket. But, it was a little different because I didn't have separate baskets for Joe and myself so I decided to include easter presents for everyone in one basket. So this year we had a family easter basket. The "easter bunny" brought Joe a new tie, Ryan a walker and some new toys and me a shirt for church. You cannot imagine how excited I was to look in our basket and see that the easter bunny had left us a FLIP CAMCORDER!!! The easter bunny ROCKS!!!! So, here is one of the first videos that I took of Ryan and she is actually standing up on her own! Please, pay no attention to my screaming in excitement at her standing. I didn't realize how close I was to the camera, even though I was the one shooting while I was trying to get her to stand. Just bear with me, I am a work in progress.


KYLIA said...

Love it! I love those little wobbly legs and then her expression "Mommy! How could let this happen to me?" Too cute!

Kiera said...

Precious...and so glad you've joined the FLIP world...they are fabulous!!!!