Sunday, August 10, 2014

The scissors strike again...

I don't remember if I cut my own hair when I was a little girl. I do know that both of my girls have fallen victim to a botched cut before, both on the same day at Grandma's a couple years ago from their cousin Amelia. Maybe "botched" is a strong word, but it took some growing out for both of them. And, that experience was documented in a previous post, circa 2011. Since then, they've both had real haircuts from a real stylist and I love their beautiful long hair. Recently, Ryan has been telling me that she wants yellow hair like mine and even asked me when am I going to make her an appointment. I just tell her she is free to make her own appointment when she has enough money to pay for it. She doesn't like to part with her money so that usually stops the questioning.
However, Brittyn did get hold of some scissors this year, either January or February and gave herself a quick trim. I remember I was at home with the kids and in the kitchen while the kids were in their bedrooms. I don't allow them to use scissors by themselves in the bedroom for fear of "accidents." However, kids can be crafty and extremely quiet when the need arises. On this day, Ryan saw a need for scissors and she quietly came to the hallway shelves and took a pair of her school scissors. I was busy making dinner and was just happy that they weren't yelling. I took that to mean they were all alive and were getting along. I should have known better because they were too quiet. All of the sudden, Ryan comes out and tells me that Brittyn's hair had been cut! I was in shock!!! Grandma didn't tell me anything happened at her house and she usually does if something of that magnitude happens. I call all the kids to the kitchen to question them and get to the bottom of the situation.
When all the kids were in the kitchen and the scissors were out of reach, I calmly tried to ask what happened. It was clear that Brittyn knew she had done wrong but didn't want to tell me. Ryan, on the other hand, didn't have a problem telling me that Britt had cut her own hair and even told me where she did it. I inspected Brittyn's hair to see where she had cut it and sure enough, she had chopped off a lock about the length of my fingers from the front her head. It wasn't terribly noticeable, it mostly looked like she had made some small layering. I wasn't terribly mad but I did try to talk to her and press upon her that we don't take cutting our hair in our own hands. I even tried to video a portion of the "big sit down" and I got quite a response from my lil' B. She's just too cute to get too mad at!!!

YouTube Video


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