Wouldn't you know that Ryan lost her first tooth two days after she went to the dentist and the weekend before she started school. At least that's how I think that's when she lost it. My memory of the actual timeline of events is a little sketchy. Either way, I know we went to the dentist on a Wednesday, she lost her first tooth on a Friday and the tooth fairy came on Saturday!!! And she left Ryan one glittered dollar and a signed certificate of awesomeness for losing her first tooth, along with guidelines for taking care of her remaining teeth and letting her know that she'd be back each time Ryan lost a tooth. Let me tell you that Ryan is nothing, if not persistent and determined to lose all her teeth once that first one came out. She's since lost two more and wiggles the rest of her teeth daily to feel for anything that may bring her tooth fairy back for a visit. I don't know if it's a coincidence or karma, but the day I write this blog post about Ryan losing a tooth, I saw her brother Huntington putting his toothbrush in the toilet this morning and then into his mouth. After I vomited in MY own mouth, I took that toothbrush from him and decided that today was the day all three kids got new toothbrushes. Sadly, none of them will be safe from the possibility of Hunt and his toothbrush toilet dunks but at least I know they'll be safe for one night, as it's nearing midnight and he's already asleep. Here's hoping!!!
Also, since Britt turned three this past year, she too had her first visit to Dr. Brad and I couldn't have been prouder. She had no cavities and the hygienists told me she was such a big girl for them. She left me out front and followed them back, I went with them and got a picture of her in the chair and she was so excited to be a big girl that day. I hope her big girl"ness" continues for future dental appointments.
And then there's Huntington, who isn't really old enough to go to the dentist yet but I went ahead and posted a pic of him with his mouth wide open. He's practicing for his turn to meet Dr. Brad too.

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