Monday, October 17, 2011

Let me hear it!!!

When Ryan was born, one of her first words was "dada" and it was a true word because she could point to Joe when she used it. I was so excited when she finally said "mama" to me. Now, it's Brittyn's turn and I'm happy to report that she can say "mama"!!! It is such a cool thing to hear my baby girl call for me and use my "name". This video is also really cute too because it shows how much she is learning while she attempts to feed herself. We start out really cute using the spoon and then she decides that just grabbing into the bowl works much better. She is so proud of herself and is happy to let me sit back and watch her go, face and hands stained with sauce to document her accomplishments!!! I have to say, I'm pretty proud of her too!!!

YouTube Video


1 comment:

Jaren said...

too cute! I love around the 1:51 mark when she starts saying mama that she looks all sad, then she laughs! too precious!