Monday, June 20, 2011

Another cupcake blog...

Kylia's birthday is this week and she got a surprise at work today. Cake Shop Cupcakes!!! I have missed them so much, I haven't been back in to purchase them since they upped the price of the small cakes from $1 to $2 and the large ones from $2 to $3. I have my pride, after all, and I'm just quietly boycotting them until they realize the error of their ways and drop their price again. However, I will not refuse when someone offers a cupcake to me, I'm prideful, not stupid!!!

Today, Kylia called and offered a cupcake for Ryan, one with strawberry jelly in the middle. Ryan was very excited. She really loves the CARS movies right now and when I told her she was getting a strawberry cupcake, she asks me "is it a McQueen red cupcake?" She wasn't too happy when I said "no" but she got over it as soon as we got home and she started to eat her cupcake. In true Ryan fashion, she continues to be very dainty and clean as she can be as she enjoys her cupcakes. She just gets more "Ryan" every time. Too funny.

1 comment:

Jaren said...

She is definitely a girly-girl!!