Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good times...

Ryan loves her high chair. She knows what happens when get gets in that chair and she gets very excited about it. Especially when she gets a CUPCAKE!!! And not just any cupcake, she sometimes gets a CAKE SHOP cupcake!!! She has a lot of fun chowing down on anything sweet, but cupcakes always come in first. Oh, and she usually is able to multi-task and enjoy cupcakes while she watches Dora the Explorer!!


Terah said...

thanks for updating...ABOUT TIME! :) just teasing! i miss y'all! need to plan a play date!
hope you have a WONDERFUL mother's day! luv u

Kiera said...

ditto to dip....glad ya posted some cute new pics!!!

happy mother's day to you...hope it's fabulous!!!!

KYLIA said...

Love the cupcake in her hair! She won't let you pull it back...but she wants it out of her face! She's a mess!