Sunday, May 31, 2009

Scared-ey Cat...

So I mentioned previously about a toy that we have that Ryan is scared of, this is a video of her being taunted by the said toy and her reaction to it. This is a jelly-type toy with lots of jelly legs and you can pick up a leg and kinda stretch it back and forth. It also lights up when you slap it on a hard surface, really cool but she is scared of it. She likes it from a distance but when it gets too close, she backs up. As bad as it is, we all like to dangle the toy in front of her and see how close she will get to it before retreating back. This is just one instance of us torturing Ryan with the jelly toy. She is slightly preoccupied by getting a ribbon out of her hair and then focuses on the toy when she completes the first task. It is so funny to watch her try to get away from this toy.


Kiera said...

You and your co-conspirators (Dip and Dunk) ought to be ashamed....torturing that poor sweet little baby. It is kinda funny, though!!!

Katheryn said...

Too funny! I think her excitement about finally getting the bow out of her hair was the cutest part though :)

KYLIA said...

I was hoping that would be the one where she moved her leg everytime it got close...those are the funniest...but this one was pretty funny too!