Thursday, October 30, 2008

Whirlwind week...

I am just so happy that the weather is getting cooler, I just can't help but smile every morning when I walk outside. I have been drinking hot chocolate since August so I am finally able to reap the benefits of warming up and not sweating it out!!!
Our family has not stopped since last weekend when we stayed the weekend out in Hosford. We went to Renner Robert's birthday party extravaganza and had a bonfire and all three new moms got together for a girls only im-promptu photo session. Look at those cousins!!! Of course we went to church on Sunday in Hosford Ward and just haven't stopped!!! Ryan is getting so good at multi-tasking with all mommy and daddy have going on, what with getting up early and working out in the afternoon and various photo sessions and Halloween is tomorrow and the list goes on and on and on and well, you get the idea.

This week Kylia and I have been walking and since the weather is getting cooler, Ryan has to be all bundled up in long pants and tops, a hat to cover her ears and of course her "walking" shoes. Exercise is just so exhausting for her. But she really is a trooper!!! We also went shopping this week for more warm clothes and Ryan and I went out all by ourselves!!! I haven't done that before for more than a trip to the grocery store and while she was AWESOME, it was definitely something different for me. But I can't complain b/c she is just so cool with everything. Today we had a photo session with Dee for Halloween and Ryan was a ladybug. I can't wait for those pictures and when Dee posts them to her blog, she says she's having an online poll for the cutest pic. SO EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO ON TO HER BLOG WHEN SHE POSTS AND VOTE FOR RYAN LONGFELLOW!!!!!!!! I'm telling you now that I am campaigning for my girl, so VOTE FOR RYAN LONGFELLOW, LADYBUG!!!

Can't wait for Halloween tomorrow night, she will be in her precious ladybug costume so check back probably Sunday to see her in all her ladybug glory and "ROCK THE VOTE" FOR RYAN LONGFELLOW, LADYBUG on Dee's blog!!! Posts should be up sometime next week!!!


KYLIA said...

I'm voting for Ryan for sure! She is the cutest ladybug ever!

Jaren said...

Those are too cute! I hope you got her some wings! Go Ry!

Kiera said...

She is SOOOO stylin' in her pink suit and shoes....too cute!!