Monday, January 28, 2013
Halloween 2012
Halloween seems to get more and more complicated the more kids I have. It might not be that way if I wasn't trying to get the children to match or at least coordinate their costumes. Maybe it would be easier if I only carved one pumpkin or if I only took them to one pumpkin patch or Halloween party, but, they're only young once and I just tell myself I will eventually get the rest I want and so we go on. This year for Halloween the girls were butterflies, pink and purple respectively and Huntington was a caterpillar. See the coordination, eh?! Anyway, we had lots of fun going to pumpkin carving parties and trunk or treat and walking through Southwood and trick or treating there. The girls had a blast, Bellamy joined them and so did the Nettles kids and grandma's daughter Lauren. Huntington didn't go, he stayed gone with Kylia and Brian because it was chilly on Halloween night. I'm so glad the girls had a good time, even now if we ride any further into Southwood, Brittyn asks if we are going trick or treating. Again, so glad they had a good time!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The pumpkins are coming...
It seems this past year I carved more pumpkins than ever. I usually carve one at home and let the girls help me and by help i mean play in the goop and scream. But this past year, it seems we were cutting, gutting and carving a big orange circle every week! And, with me being on maternity leave with baby Huntington, it seemed as though I had "plenty of time" to carve so many pumpkins. We went to several pumpkin patches and picked out some pumpkins and gave some good attempts. We (I mean Meris) worked hard and got out a few decent designs, namely Mike Wizowski and James P. Sullivan from Monster's, Inc. the kids watched that movie the whole time I was home so it was only fitting. Fall was a great time for our family, getting acquainted to Huntington and having a busy fun time with all our pumpkin buddies.

Random Saturdays...
Saturdays, or any day for that matter are anything but boring at our house. We get up just as early as we do during the week and head off to any number of activities with family and friends. We go shopping, go to ball games of family members and visit friends, all the while being able to incorporate a bit of silliness as we go along!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013
Family vacation, sort of...
While I was out on maternity leave, Joe had a week of depositions in sunny, beautiful Destin, FL. Not wanting to be home by myself with two toddlers and a brand new infant, we loaded up and went with him!!! We spend three great nights and four great days there. The girls had a great time. During the day while Dad was at work, we went outlet shopping and played at playgrounds and water park areas to kill the time. We also went to the beach one afternoon when Joe got off work. This was the children's first trip to the beach and they loved it!!! It took a few times to get warmed up to the water but once they were comfortable, we couldn't barely keep them out of the water. They had so much fun, Ryan especially loved the hotel. She is now telling me that she wants to have a sleepover at a hotel for her birthday! You'll have to stay tuned to see if she gets that wish...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Princess or Popstar?
Ok, so this is not in chronological order but how long has it been since any of my blog posts were organized?!!! This week the Longfellow family got a new baby!!! Joe's sister Emilee and her husband Chris Mecusker welcomed a baby girl in the first few minutes of Monday morning. She had told us on Sunday that she was being admitted and the baby was coming so grandma and grandpa packed up and headed to Gainesville to help welcome little Isabella Scotlynn Mecusker to the world. The baby was a few weeks early so Joe and I had to scramble to find other means of child are for a couple of days. Thankfully, Cheryl Geiger was able to watch Brittyn and Huntington one of the days and we were so happy. I was able to talk to Brittyn about going to "Miss Cheryl's School" and I packed her some snacks in her new backpack she got for Christmas. She was so excited! She loves to be a big girl like Ryan and wants to use her new backpack. Well, I wasn't there, but from the messages I received, Brittyn had no trouble fitting in a the Geiger home. She took pictures and said "cheese" for the camera and even put on a show for Cheryl, Huntington and Isla Willis. She is singing her version of "Here I Am" from the latest Barbie movie. She's even holding a Barbie plate for her microphone. Thanks Cheryl for helping out, Britt had a great time and I'm sure Hunt would say he did too, if he could talk!!! We appreciate y'all so much!!!

Someone's sitting in Isla's chair...

Sweet Brottyn kisses...

Eskimo baby...
Someone's sitting in Isla's chair...
Sweet Brottyn kisses...
Eskimo baby...
Laugh a lot...
New year, old pics and videos still on my phone, needing to find a good home for them. Here's one of Huntington giving me the makings of a future belly laugh. Isn't it amazing how a simple diaper change can elicit such sweet responses. I guess he's just glad to be clean, I can deal with that!!!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Have I already posted these?
I am so far behind on my blog posts I can't remember if I have posted these pics or not. Either way, Laura Wahlquist came and did some pictures for me of Huntington and the girls back in September and I wanted to post a few of them. We went to the Southwood House and were able to get a few shots of them together and a few of Huntington back at the house. Thanks so much to Laura for coming over and helping me out and managing to get some great shots of the children.

Trouble X 2...
One Saturday afternoon Joe and I kept Bellamy so Jaren and Drew could go to another wedding. Brittyn and Bellamy were both enamored by Huntington and they took turns looking at him and covering him up because he was obviously getting cold. I had to do some shopping and both of the girls wanted to go so we loaded up and went to Costco and Target. I made sure to pack snacks and juice and water and replacement diapers so everyone would have a good time. The girls had a good time at Costco naming and counting all the items in our buggy and when we moved on to Target, we had an an impromptu fashion show!!! I love having Bellamy over to come and play and help my girls make a mess. Every time she leaves, Ryan is sad and asks when can she come back to have a sleepover!!!

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